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Flooding ravages Konthoujam and Lamsang

by Jeet Akoijam
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Flooding ravages Konthoujam and Lamsang

IT News
Imphal, June 2:

Since May 26th, devastating floods have struck several regions of Manipur, including Heidakshungbam, Khabi, Tangtek, Awang-Jiri, and more, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The floodwaters have submerged countless homes and infrastructure, affecting communities under the Konthoujam and Lamshang constituencies.
Residents, such as Irom Moscow from Khabi, lament the dire situation, reporting a scarcity of drinking water, food, and medicine. With roads submerged, transportation has become a critical issue, exacerbating the challenges faced by those in need.
The floodwaters have not spared agricultural lands either, submerging poultry farms, vegetable gardens, and grain storage facilities. As a result, livelihoods are at risk, and many families have been forced to seek refuge in relief camps, such as those in the Khaibi area.
Adding to the woes, the lack of electricity has plunged affected areas into darkness, while the surge in mosquito populations poses additional health hazards.
Khomdram Romen, among others, has “appealed to the relevant authorities to urgently address the crisis and provide necessary assistance to the affected communities.”

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