Home » R.K. Sanatomba Memorial Journalist Award 2024

R.K. Sanatomba Memorial Journalist Award 2024

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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R.K. Sanatomba Memorial Journalist Award 2024

IT News
Imphal, June 1:

Despite the ongoing turmoil in the state, the R.K. Sanatomba Memorial Trust has reaffirmed its commitment to recognizing excellence in journalism by announcing the R.K. Sanatomba Memorial Journalist Award for 2024. The prestigious award, named in honor of the late R.K. Sanatomba Singh, former editor of Kangla Lanpung, aims to commend exceptional journalists working in Manipur.
Scheduled to be conferred on June 30, 2024, the death anniversary of R.K. Sanatomba Singh, the award seeks to encourage journalists who have dedicated themselves to providing vital information to the general public.
To facilitate the selection process, the Trust has called upon media organizations to recommend up to two journalists from registered TV news channels and registered newspapers who have made outstanding contributions to reporting during the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. Each nomination must be accompanied by copies of at least three but not more than five published or telecast contributions made by the nominated journalist during the specified timeframe. These contributions may be in English or Manipuri, with translations provided for articles published in other languages or dialects. For print media, all articles must bear the journalist’s byline for clarity.
Nominees for the award must hold positions up to the level of Desk or Sub Editor, and their contact details must be included along with the nominations and accompanying enclosures. The deadline for submitting nominations is 4:00 PM on June 15, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.
The Trust expresses confidence in the support of Manipur’s media organizations, urging them to ensure timely submission of nominations to contribute to this commendable endeavor.

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