Home » Maheshwar Thounaojam Calls for Ban on Class XI Book’s Fake Kuki History

Maheshwar Thounaojam Calls for Ban on Class XI Book’s Fake Kuki History

by Jeet Akoijam
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Social Activist Maheshwar Thounaojam has raised concerns about a book prescribed by the Council of Higher Secondary School, Manipur, for Class XI, alleging that it contains a ‘fabricated’ history of the Kuki community.
During a media conference at his residence in Keishampat, Maheshwar emphasized that a section in the book titled ‘History of Manipur’ distorts the Kuki’s history, impacting students who need accurate information for a proper understanding of historical facts.
Having escalated the issue to Manipur Education Minister Thounaojam Basantakumar, Maheshwar stated, “The education minister assured he will review the book, and appropriate action to ban it will be taken in two to three days.”
Maheshwar elucidated the distortion by showcasing the book, specifically pointing to a subheading titled “The Kuki,” where it inaccurately claims that some Kuki tribal people migrated to Manipur during the pre-historic period. Disputing this, he highlighted Manipur’s documented history from 33 AD and referenced James Johnstone’s work, “Manipur and Naga Hills (1896),” which places the term ‘Kuki’ between 1830 and 1840.
He underscored that the Anglo-Kuki War never occurred in Manipur’s history, citing an RTI reply from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. Expressing concern, Maheshwar criticized the inclusion of the Anglo-Kuki War in Delhi University’s curriculum and announced plans to submit a paper to the university, urging the removal of what he deems ‘fabricated’ history.

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