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Sankalp Saptaah, Samavesh Samaroh at Chandel Distrct

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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Sankalp Saptaah, Samavesh Samaroh at Chandel Distrct

The Deputy Commissioner, Chandel Mayanglambam Rajkumar chaired the Samavesh samaroh, the concluding function of the week-long “Sangkalp Saptaah,” program today. The main program of today was the review meeting of the block level officer and staff of Chakpikarong block, at the conference hall, district headquarter today. During the program, the deputy commissioner reviewed in detail the programs conducted during the Sankalp Saptaah campaign.
The Deputy Commissioner speaking on the sidelines of the program said, that though the campaign had been completed successfully it is only the beginning of the Aspirational Block program under the NITI Aayog. He further added that under the Aspirational Block program, the district administration will work towards bringing up Chakpikarong Block on the state and national level in all the given indicators and sectors, making it a front runner in all the KPIs within two to three years, and make Chakpikarong an Inspiring Block from an Aspirational Block
Today’s program was attended by ADC Chandel Md. Firoj Khan and different Block Level officers and staff of the Chakpikarong Sub Division.

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