Home » Village Volunteers: Protectors of the Nation

Village Volunteers: Protectors of the Nation

by IT Desk
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By: Seram Neken
‘Lallup’ system prevalent in the erstwhile Manipur kingdom had provided compulsory military service for every male from 17 to 60 years of age. It served as the most effective defensive as well as offensive mechanism against all kinds of invasions. During times of aggression, a big royal drum called ‘Kangla Pungjao’ had to be beaten five times to inform the public. Every able-bodied countryman had to report to the Kangla for the defensive.In 1824, the military aspect of the ‘Lallup’ system was abolished with the formation of Manipur Levy. Later in 1835, the Manipur Levy was substituted by a standing army. Finally in 1892,Lallup system was completely abolished by Major Maxwell during British colonial regime.
History speaks volumes of Meiteis being synonymous with patriotism. Every Meitei is responsible for protection of its land. Over 3000 years of civilisation is ample proof of this claim. In times of national crisis, Meitei youths and Meitei women never remain silent. They shouldered the responsibility to protect the land.
What circumstances gave birth to the so-called Village Volunteers (VV) or Village Protection Force (VPF) in Manipur valley since the start of arbitrary attacks on civilians beginning May 3 last? What role have the Village Volunteers played during the last over four months of conflict between heavily armed Kuki militants and unarmed Meitei villagers? Are these Village Volunteers terrorists or anti-national? Are they acting against the unity and integrity of India? Why did the state police arrest the Village Volunteers? What is the hidden agenda of the state government in booking the Village Volunteers? Is it a ploy to antagonise between the Meitei populace and the state forces?
When armed groups belonging to Kuki-Chin-Zo communities began attacking the civilian population in Churachandpur and adjoining areas on May 3 last, the general public repeatedly called upon the state government to send forces for saving their lives and properties. Live videos on social media were witness to the most unfortunate incident that sparked off from Churachandpur in the afternoon of May 3. State government failed to deploy adequate troops to control the mayhem which followed the so-called solidarity rally sponsored by All Tribal Students Union Manipur particularly in Churachandpur district. So-claimed peace rally participated by heavily armed youths turned violent. The Chief Minister of Manipur later admitted security and intelligence lapses in handling the situation.
During the height of the armed attacks on civilians in the following days, unarmed Meitei villagers in the periphery found a hard time to defend themselves. Their dear and near ones killed, houses looted and burnt. Kuki militants began occupying the Meitei villages. Survivors had to flee to relief camps, when some youths among them stayed back only to defend the land from the aggressors. Without armoury, the youths could hardly protect themselves. Hence, licensed guns belonging to neighboring villagers were collected and used in the defence. The government forces literally failed to help. The unarmed and untrained citizens had to bear the responsibility of protecting lives and properties of citizens which was supposed to be done by government security forces. Under compelling circumstances and out of dire necessity, the youths from various localities came out to defend the land and properties. They demanded arms from the government machineries only to meet the terrorist attacks. In other words, patriotic youths of Manipur spontaneously turned themselves into Village Volunteers or Village Protection Force. They have been risking their valued lives only to render service to the nation. Integrity of Manipur and integrity of the nation is their main agenda.
Article 51A(d) under part IVA of the Constitution of India states ‘it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so’. Although there was no formal call from the government side, the dutiful citizens in Manipur valley spontaneously came out to protect the land from the aggression perpetrated by Kuki-Chin-Zo militants.
As days went by, crisis deepened. Area domination in the peripheral Meitei villages was the sole objective of the Kuki militants. Backed by the political agenda of separate administration ventilated through the ten MLAs, the Kuki-Zo militants continued the onslaught. Firing, bombing and arson occurred unabated everywhere in the periphery of the valley adjoining Churachandpur and Kangpokpi districts. Central security forces specially the Assam Rifles allegedly sided with the Kuki militants in most battlefields. Incidents of flexing muscles between the state forces and central forces were even reported. The Assam Rifles even resorted to thrashing and firing upon the civilians in the name of neutralising the situation. Highly dissatisfied with the soft handling of the situation by the government, the affected villagers started demanding guns from the authority to protect themselves. Even the womenfolk cried ‘Give us the guns if you cannot protect us’. The lethargic handling of the situation by the government forces led to increasing importance of Village Volunteers day by day.
Had there been no Village Volunteers, Manipur valley would have already been occupied by the narco-terrorists. Even the Chief Minister of Manipur, in a press conference on May 28 last, termed the Kuki militants as terrorists. In fact, the prevailing chaos since May 3 apparently invited the youths in Manipur valley to rush to the periphery for the defence of the state and the people. A number of Village Volunteers martyred during the last nearly five months now. Still a number of such volunteers are manning the village bunkers to meet the unprovoked firing and bombing from the hillside. Without understanding the protective role of the Village Volunteers, the state government has started booking them in the name of maintaining law and order. Such an improper and untimely action on the part of the state government adds fuel to fire.
If the government is really committed, send its forces to arrest the heavily armed militants in the hills and stop the attacks. If the government has guts, send its forces to the peripheral villages and replace the toiling Village Volunteers. In the presence of a highly popular BJP government with an overwhelming majority of 55 out of 60 MLAs, why should the people suffer and why should the Village Volunteers risk their lives? Please remember the Village Volunteers are protecting the nation from aggression by terrorists.
(The writer is senior columnist. He is available at [email protected])

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